Maria Andersson, Marketing manager, and Nura Gabela, Production, holding the award Industry Winner 2022
EWES named Industry Winner 2022
Of Sweden's approximately 618,000 limited companies, the Trust Magazine nominates various industry winners ('Branschvinnare') each year. In 2022, EWES AB became one of these award-winning companies.
EWES has surpassed the industry according to the following parameters:
– Change in turnover
EWES: 5 %
Industry: -7 %
– Change in earnings
EWES: 619 %
Industry: -46 %
Here's what it says on the Industry Winners website:
“Every year, we nominate the companies that receive the Industry Winners award based on the previous year's financial statements. An Industry Winner is a company that has exceeded its own industry average in both sales and earnings and has a positive result. The average is calculated once a year in collaboration with Largest Companies and is based on all companies in the industry in question. On average, only 15% of Sweden's limited companies are awarded the award. The industry division is based on the companies' SNI code *.”
Maria Andersson, Marketing Manager at EWES, says:
“We are of course very proud of the Branschvinnare 2022 award. We see it as proof that our strategic work is bearing fruit. We believe in the power of teamwork, or as we usually put it: There is always a "we" in EWES. In addition to sharing our knowledge both externally and internally, we work smart and with an emphasis on automation and environment.
* SNI stands for Swedish Industry Division and is based on the EU standard, NACE Rev.2.