EWES invests heavily to rebuild the press processing department
To attain its strategic goal of having Northern Europe's most advanced machine park, EWES is giving its press processing department a total makeover
During the spring and summer of 2022, intensive rebuilding work has been going on at EWES. There are several reasons for this, and we took a moment to talk to Anton Svensson, CEO, to find out more about the rebuilding of the press processing department.
What's happening in the press processing department?
Yeah – there’s a lot going on in the press processing department! We want to increase our capacity for presses and punches, we need more warehouse surface area for raw materials, and we need to make room for the new machines we’ve ordered.
So the press processing department will be full of machines?
We’re waiting for quite a few machines. Here’s a list:
- 3 spring grinding machines
- 1 tool grinding machine
- 1 larger-capacity press
- 1 CNC spring machine
- 1 machine for reinforcing steel spring band production
That's quite a lot of investment?
It's so much fun to be making these investments, and you can definitely say there’s a lot going on at EWES. The investments are part of our strategic goal of having Northern Europe’s most advanced machine park, but there are more benefits than the purely technical ones.
Tell us about these benefits.
1. Energy coordination
One important benefit from the rebuilding and investments is that we can coordinate energy usage. One worker can both monitor and run the machines. This means we can reduce energy consumption and actually turn off certain machines when necessary. The new machines will also provide us more energy-efficient production. This is important to us in our work towards the UN’s global goal number 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production pattern.” (Read more about goal 12 here)
2. Increased raw material inventory
Thanks to the rebuilding, we can free up more space in our warehouse for raw materials. Recent years have been somewhat uncertain externally speaking. Rising raw material prices, higher transport costs and spiralling energy prices for example, have affected markets around the world. By having our own larger warehouse, we can be more flexible, and shore up production.
3. Better for EWES customers
Although we can’t go into much detail here about our all our upcoming machine investments, they will have a positive impact on our business. As well as the increased capacity, the new technology also entails a radical drop in tool costs, for example. Set-up times are also reduced, and we can run shorter series. All in all, this means lower prices and quicker deliveries. Customers tend to like that.