EWES have since 1973, when Ferroal started, been producing different types of conveyors for industrial use with high set requirements at continuous operation. That Is why we are used to custom make elevators after request. They have a capasity of 1000 ton per hour. Ask us if you have greater requirements.
Elavators work after centrifugal principle which means that they empty the load without any additional power, by throwing it out the scoops. This set requirements that the material shall have a certain dryness so that it does not stick. The materials thickness can vary without interupting the operation. Elevators are usually used for vertical transportation of bulk material like granulate or powder.
For demanding applications the scoops can be bolted and produced in compressed steel. You can choose on band elevators with reinforced belt or chain elevators. You can even install hardwearing components that withstand high temperatures. Otherwise we use standardcomponents to reduce costs.